Friday, October 16, 2009

Wk 1 Day 3 - Pre C25K - October 16, 2009

I need to change something I said earlier. I stated my eating plan would be Atkins. Well, I've changed my mind. I'm going with Weight Watchers. I have the books and know how to work the flex plan. With WW I won't be so restricted in the beginning. This way I won't feel like I'm "missing out".

Ok, on to my running. I decided to run as soon as I got home from work today. I didn't feel Rodger would want to go with me AND I sure wasn't going to run right after eating!

I went 5 minutes on my airwalker (a type of eliptical), went thru all the stretches and was ready to go. I take off down the highway not sure what to hope for. I started jogging, 15 seconds went by, 20 seconds, 25....30....I jogged a full 30 seconds without stopping!! It was simply amazing...well, actually it was "breathless"...I was breathless! But hey, I did it!! My recovery/walk time was 2 minutes. I repeated the set, 30/2. I kept this up for 15 minutes!!

By the time I finished, I wasn't sure I could even walk home! My legs felt as tho I was walking thru concrete. Somehow I managed to put one foot in front of the other and make it home.

When I reached the house, I felt like I had just won the olympics! I also felt as tho I could drink a gallon of water. I forgot to take my water bottle with me...Lesson Learned...take water bottle on runs.

I was sitting on the couch cooling off when Rodger got home from work. I told him about my run and he said next time I should wait. He "wants" to run with me. Now that makes me happy!

W1d2 ... Pre-C25K, October 14, 2009

Today I decided to ask Rodger to run with me. I thought we could get in shape together. I don't like doing things by myself, I like company....keeps me motivated.

Much to my surprise, he agreed to go along. We had just eaten supper when he decided we needed to go on our run. What??? Surely he knows we can't run a full stomach. I fiddle around in the house trying to kill time. After about 30 minutes we start our journey. I did NOT stretch.

The 5 minute warm up was a disaster. My stomach felt like it was in my chest, I couldn't catch a deep breath, my leg muscles hurt. I pushed thru it and jogged for 15 seconds - did that a few more times. Rodger was walking along with easy effort, even jogged a little with no problem.....and he has asthma!

I ended my run after 10 minutes, just couldn't do anymore. I will Never Ever go for a run after eating. I will Never Ever go for a run without stretching first. Lesson Learned!

I could look at this run as a wasted effort. However, it wasn't wasted. I was out moving my body, every little bit helps! Small changes equal big results!

Tonight I realized I would need to change my eating habits also. I have tried many weight loss plans over the years. Some were very expensive, others not so much. Guess what, They All Worked! I just didn't stick with any of them. I have always been an "all or nothing dieter". If I messed up one time, I would throw my hands up and give up. After all I blew it, right? Wrong! That's the wrong attitude and now I know it.

I want a lifestyle eating plan. Something I can stick with, but should I mess up, I won't give up!

I have decided to follow Atkins. I know how my body reacts to high carbs....I got fat from eating high doubt about it. I have dabbled with Atkins in the past and I know it's a good plan.

The first time I started Atkins, July 2008, I went to my doctor for blood work as suggested in Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution book. My numbers were mind blowing! Fasting blood work: Chol: 225 , Hdl 40 , Ldl 106, blood sugar 84 ... those numbers were decent. However my trig level was off the chart....397! Not good, actually very bad. My doctor had no problem with me doing Atkins. Thought it was a good plan.

I yo-yoed back and forth on induction several different times, guess I didn't have the right mindset - just wasn't ready.

I'm not one to "go to the doctor" voluntarily. I know my numbers are still bad because my lifestyle has been bad. I haven't done a thing to change, until now. I don't plan to go back for new blood work....I hate needles!! I will just use my numbers from 2008.

I really do have a new outlook on life, I know what I want and I'm going to get it!

Week 1...Pre-C25K, October 12, 2009

Today is our 23rd Wedding Anniversary!

I'm using this week as a Pre-C25K week and maybe even next week. I don't want to do too much too fast. I'm out of shape, and over-weight, that's a fact. I'm reminded of it everytime I look at a picture of myself. So, I try not to have my picture taken. If it does happen, I sure don't want to look it!

I would like Rodger(husband) to run with me, but I don't think that's going to happen. I can always hope!

C25K is a 9 week program. I will be running 3 days a week with a rest day between each run day. I chose M-W-F as my run days. On my non-run days, I'll walk, use my eliptical or work out to a dvd.

Week 1 workout starts with a 5 minute warm-up and ends with a 5 minute cool-down. Then, jog for 60 sec, walk for 90 sec...for 20 min. I will also be stretching before and after my run. The stretching was suggested to me by our daughter. She believes stretching is very important. Candace (daughter) ran cross country in high school and competed at State two years. Our son, Jonathan, ran some too, but he was more into 4 wheelers or anything else with an engine!

Monday evening - What to wear? After many tears and lots of frustration, I finally found a shirt I felt comfortable wearing outside! Seems like every t-shirt I tried on hugged every roll and buldge! Shorts and shoes were no problem.

Ok, I head out the door for my 5 minute warm-up. What a shocker!! I thought those 5 minutes were going to kill on earth could I jog for 60 seconds! Well, I knew then I would have to change the program to fit me. I would have to work up to Week 1 Day 1 of the C25K program. Made me sad, really sad. However, I didn't see myself as a failure, I saw myself as a successful beginner.

After my 5 minute warm-up, I took a minute to rest. Then I proceded to "jog" my 60 seconds.....didn't make it! I jogged 15-30 seconds tops. Walked 60-90-2 min, just whatever my body screamed for! This whole time I was hoping no one would drive by and see me. I was so embarrassed. Call it vain, call it whatever you want, I was still embarrassed.

After about 10 minutes, I decided it was time to stop. My whole body felt like jelly, my face was red as a beet and I just knew I was dying! I drag myself back to our house, make it inside and collapse on the couch. What in the world was I thinking .... Deadra Running????? I pull myself up, get a shower and make my way back to the land of the living.

I made it! I would live to see another day! What a feeling of accomplishment.