Friday, October 16, 2009

W1d2 ... Pre-C25K, October 14, 2009

Today I decided to ask Rodger to run with me. I thought we could get in shape together. I don't like doing things by myself, I like company....keeps me motivated.

Much to my surprise, he agreed to go along. We had just eaten supper when he decided we needed to go on our run. What??? Surely he knows we can't run a full stomach. I fiddle around in the house trying to kill time. After about 30 minutes we start our journey. I did NOT stretch.

The 5 minute warm up was a disaster. My stomach felt like it was in my chest, I couldn't catch a deep breath, my leg muscles hurt. I pushed thru it and jogged for 15 seconds - did that a few more times. Rodger was walking along with easy effort, even jogged a little with no problem.....and he has asthma!

I ended my run after 10 minutes, just couldn't do anymore. I will Never Ever go for a run after eating. I will Never Ever go for a run without stretching first. Lesson Learned!

I could look at this run as a wasted effort. However, it wasn't wasted. I was out moving my body, every little bit helps! Small changes equal big results!

Tonight I realized I would need to change my eating habits also. I have tried many weight loss plans over the years. Some were very expensive, others not so much. Guess what, They All Worked! I just didn't stick with any of them. I have always been an "all or nothing dieter". If I messed up one time, I would throw my hands up and give up. After all I blew it, right? Wrong! That's the wrong attitude and now I know it.

I want a lifestyle eating plan. Something I can stick with, but should I mess up, I won't give up!

I have decided to follow Atkins. I know how my body reacts to high carbs....I got fat from eating high doubt about it. I have dabbled with Atkins in the past and I know it's a good plan.

The first time I started Atkins, July 2008, I went to my doctor for blood work as suggested in Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution book. My numbers were mind blowing! Fasting blood work: Chol: 225 , Hdl 40 , Ldl 106, blood sugar 84 ... those numbers were decent. However my trig level was off the chart....397! Not good, actually very bad. My doctor had no problem with me doing Atkins. Thought it was a good plan.

I yo-yoed back and forth on induction several different times, guess I didn't have the right mindset - just wasn't ready.

I'm not one to "go to the doctor" voluntarily. I know my numbers are still bad because my lifestyle has been bad. I haven't done a thing to change, until now. I don't plan to go back for new blood work....I hate needles!! I will just use my numbers from 2008.

I really do have a new outlook on life, I know what I want and I'm going to get it!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I'd still be doing C25K if my wife were not doing it with me. I only started because she asked me, so there's something to be said for that.

    We have boys who run, so we knew about the don't-run-after-a-meal rule. If I need to eat before going out (i.e., when my blood sugar is low), I have either half-piece or whole piece of peanut butter toast and some sips of water. Then, I'll eat a meal after I run. Eating after a run, especially once you are running longer distances, is important. Otherwise (or so I've been told), your body will turn on itself to get the protein and nutrients it needs.
