Friday, October 16, 2009

Wk 1 Day 3 - Pre C25K - October 16, 2009

I need to change something I said earlier. I stated my eating plan would be Atkins. Well, I've changed my mind. I'm going with Weight Watchers. I have the books and know how to work the flex plan. With WW I won't be so restricted in the beginning. This way I won't feel like I'm "missing out".

Ok, on to my running. I decided to run as soon as I got home from work today. I didn't feel Rodger would want to go with me AND I sure wasn't going to run right after eating!

I went 5 minutes on my airwalker (a type of eliptical), went thru all the stretches and was ready to go. I take off down the highway not sure what to hope for. I started jogging, 15 seconds went by, 20 seconds, 25....30....I jogged a full 30 seconds without stopping!! It was simply amazing...well, actually it was "breathless"...I was breathless! But hey, I did it!! My recovery/walk time was 2 minutes. I repeated the set, 30/2. I kept this up for 15 minutes!!

By the time I finished, I wasn't sure I could even walk home! My legs felt as tho I was walking thru concrete. Somehow I managed to put one foot in front of the other and make it home.

When I reached the house, I felt like I had just won the olympics! I also felt as tho I could drink a gallon of water. I forgot to take my water bottle with me...Lesson Learned...take water bottle on runs.

I was sitting on the couch cooling off when Rodger got home from work. I told him about my run and he said next time I should wait. He "wants" to run with me. Now that makes me happy!


  1. I'm glad to read that you two will be running together. From what you described of your run today, I'll bet you are ready for C25K W1D1. Mrs. F and I started without any pre-work, and I was over 300 lbs. at the time! Of course, we brought the cell phone with us because I think both of us thought we might end up calling an ambulance, but I was shocked to find out that my body could handle it. The bigger part of it was beating back the negative thoughts, like "you can't run that long", "just stop and walk", "you're not ready for this yet", or "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" Really. I've been there.

    I can't say that those thoughts never come back (today was a nightmare for me), but you learn to overcome them. That's why I like the C25K program--it gets you started with doable chunks and it builds from there.

    Good luck to both of you!

  2. How's it coming for you? Are things progressing well?

  3. Hey! I ran across your blog and I'm doing the same thing. Keep it up! I know it's so so so hard but it's great to see that I'm not alone. Good luck!

  4. Deadra, how's it coming? You haven't given up, have you? I went over six months without running while I finished grad school, and I'm back at it now. Don't give up. It's not too late to pick back up and start again.
